How to configure iSoftPhone to use a SIP provider?

After starting the application click on the Preference icon on the console.

Select the option 'Register/Credits' and then click on 'Create new SIPphone account'.

Click on the '+' icon to add a new provider.

Server Address:

Enter the SIP Address provided by the SIP provider, this may be also known as the Domain or Realm depending on the provider.


Enter the phone number and password provided by the provider.

Display Name:

Users may optionally enter a name or a phone number for the 'Display Name'.

Authorization Name:

The 'Authorization name' is optional depending on the provider's requirements.


Tick the box 'Enabled' to activate the account.

Audio Codec:

It is recommended to use the default option of 'Choose Automatically' but the user may also select a codec depending on performance and as recommended by the provider.

Listen RTP Port:

Use the default value of 10500 unless otherwise specified by the provider.

Local SIP Port (Listen SIP Port):

The default port for SIP is 5060, users may set an alternate port number when using mulitple SIP devices or use the value '0' to choose a random port.

SIP expired time:

Default time is 1800 seconds but users may set another value if required by the provider.

STUN Server:

Allows NAT clients to setup phone calls to a VOIP provider hosted outside the local network.
There are many free STUN servers which may be found by a simple internet search.

Outbound Proxy:

Basically the SIP Outbound Proxy is used to handle the signalling and media traffic across a firewall.
N.B. It is recommended not to use STUN and Outbound proxy together.

Then press 'OK' to accept the settings.

Problems making Outgoing calls or hearing incoming calls.

If you are having problems making outgoing calls, this may be caused by NAT problems if you are behind a firewall. In Most cases an Outbound Proxy server recommened by your provider will resolve these issues. In some cases a STUN may be used.

Note: It is recommended not to use both STUN and Outbound proxy together.

Public STUN servers

  • (no DNS SRV record)
  • (no DNS SRV record)
  • (no DNS SRV record)
  • (no DNS SRV record)
  • see their usage policy

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